1 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Future Simple or 'be going to' form. 1 I am thirsty. I ... (have) a drink. 2 Bob and Jill... (go) to Italy next week. 3 Sam... (meet) me tomorrow. 4 We... (not study) history next semester. 5 My brothers... (not play) tennis today. 6. Phill... (come back) home tonight? 7 ... Kim and Jim... (swim) in the sea? 8 Everybody... (celebrate) Holly's birthday this Помогите ​


Ответ дал: bshymyrbai

1.I am thirsty.I am going to have a drink.

2.Bob and Jill will go to Italy next week.

3.Sam will meet me tomorrow.

4.We won't (или можете написать will not) history next semester.

5.My brothers aren't going to play tennis today.

6.Phill Are you going to come back home tonight?

7.Will Kim and Jim swim in the sea?

8.Everybody will celebrate Holly's birthday this (здесь должен быть какое то слова но вы не написали)


kneploskin: 6 не правильно
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