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Ответ дал: bennytheissuer


John: Hey, how was your day yesterday?

Jane: It was great, thanks. I had a busy day. I had to live early because I had to work at the factory on weekdays.

John: How was your job?

Jane: It was hard, but I like to work hard at my job.

John: And what about your studies?

Jane: I had to study hard for my lessons yesterday. I had a test and I needed to repeat what I learned at the lesson.

John: How did the test go?

Jane: It was good. I was able to answer many questions and translate from English into Spanish.

John: That's great. Did you receive good marks?

Jane: Yes, I did. The test lasted for an hour and then I returned home.

John: Did you stay late at the university?

Jane: No, I finished early. I was tired and I just wanted to relax at home last night.

Аноним: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Очень срочно
Аноним: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Очень срочно.
Аноним: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Очень срочно
Аноним: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Очень срочно.
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