dialogue telling a story (невеликий діалог)​


Ответ дал: Currys317

A: What's up! How is it going?

B: It is good,how are you?

A: I'm fine.I just wanted to tell you the story that happened to me a few days ago.

B:What is it going to be?

A:Just listen,I was buying some new trainers,than when I came home,I just realized,that I forgot my keys there.

B: Really?

A:Yea,that is true.Then I ran there,but there were no keys left.I thought that is it,but then i asked a store worker:"did you see any keys left there on the sofa,where I was trying my shoes on?",He said yes and returned it to me.I was really happy about this.I thought that is it and I'll never find it anywhere.

B: That is good.So,actually,I have 15 left and I have to go.See you later!

A:See you!

Currys317: Якщо цього достатньо,то окей.Якщо ні-дайте знати,трішки перероблю побільше і щоб було більш милозвучніше)
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