пожалуйста помогите даю 40 баллов
1. He …… often....... (not / stay) at home in the evenings. He usually goes out with his friends.

2. .....they usually … .... (visit) Egypt in summer?

3. …… you …… (watch) the match last night?

4. .......you…………… (go swimming). It isn’t a good idea when you’ve got a cold!

5. A: What …… they …… (do) at the moment? B: They’re watching TV with me.

6. She can play the piano but now she ……. (sing).

7. ………… he ………… (go) to that new sports shop at 6 p.m. last Sunday?

8. I ……… just…... (wake up).

9. She ………… (stay) at Marta’s house tomorrow evening.

10. I ……. never …… (speak) to her. Is she friendly? ​


Ответ дал: scherbitskayav


1.He doesnt stay often

2Do they usually visit

3Did you watched the match last night?

4Dont go swimming

5what are they doing

6is singing

7Did he went

8I have just woke up

9will stay

10I have never spoke to her

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