1.They ...... in the History museum yesterday .

a) was

b) were

c) go

2. I..... to my friends yesterday .

a) phoned

b) phones

c) phone

3. Mark .... with his younger sister two days ago .

a) plays

b) play

c) played

4. Sam and his sister .... TV last Friday .

a) watch

b) watched

c) watches

5. She ... go to school last Monday .

a) didn`t

b) wasn`t

c) do not

6. .....she have a happy childhood ?

a) Was

b) Does

c) Did

7. I...." Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " yesterday .

a) read

b) readed

c) reads

8. Paul ... in the park yesterday .

a) walk

b) walked

c) does

9 . ...your father work last Saturday ?

a) Does

b) Do

c) Did

10 . Steve and Bob ......their English on Wednesday evening .

a) studied

b) study

c) work

11 . Children ... last winter .

a) skate

b) skated

c) ski

12 . I ... want to be a doctor .

a) didn`t

b) don`t

c) wasn`t


Ответ дал: irina8irina8dyrmaka


1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.b 9.c 10.a 11.c 12.c

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