(З'єднайте захворювання з лікуванням,
речення не переписувати)
1. I’ve got a headache a) give up smoking

2. I’ve got a toothache b) have it X-rayed

3. I’m coughing c) apply some ointment

4. My nose is blocked d) consult a surgeon

5. My nose is running e) use some gargle

6. I’ve got a temperature f) take some aspirin

7. I’ve broken my arm g) stay in bed for a while

8. My stomach aches h) take some medicine

9. I’ve burnt my hand i) go to the dentist

10. I’ve cut my finger j) lie in the sun for a day or two

11. I can’t move my leg k) use nasal drops

12. I’ve got a sore throat l) use some antiseptic


Ответ дал: irina8irina8dyrmaka


1 f; 2 і; 3 a; 4 k; 5 j; 6 g; 7 d; 8 h; 9 c; 101; 11 b; 12 e.

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vladnovobranec0: спасибо большое)
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