3 ★ Choose the correct item.
1 A: It's Harry's birthday. We should/ought buy him a present.
B: We can/may get him that smartphone he wants.
2 A: You mustn't/don't need to transfer your pictures from your phone to your laptop. I've done it for you.
B: Thanks.
3 A: Are you coming to the party?
B: I could/can be a bit late because I am able to/have to help my grandma send an email!
4 A: I can't/mustn't get any work done. My laptop keeps crashing.
B: I think you really must/need buy a new one!
5 A: Is there anyone who may/could lend me a phone charger?
B: Yes, here you are.
6 A: Would/Shall we go mountain climbing this weekend?
B: OK, but it might/should be difficult to access the Internet from there.
7A: That's a lovely smartphone. It must have been/might have been really expensive.
B: It was, but I could/can store a lot more on it than on my old one.
8 A: How did your job interview on Skype go?
B: Not very well. I was so nervous that I wouldn't/couldn't stop fidgeting in my seat!
виберете правильный ответ!
спасибо ​


Ответ дал: davidolan6034

A: It's Harry's birthday. We should buy him a present.

B: We can get him that smartphone he wants.

A: You don't need to transfer your pictures from your phone to your laptop. I've done it for you.

B: Thanks.

A: Are you coming to the party?

B: I could be a bit late because I have to help my grandma send an email!

A: I can't get any work done. My laptop keeps crashing.

B: I think you really need to buy a new one!

A: Is there anyone who can lend me a phone charger?

B: Yes, here you are.

A: Shall we go mountain climbing this weekend?

B: OK, but it might be difficult to access the Internet from there.

A: That's a lovely smartphone. It must have been really expensive.

B: It was, but I can store a lot more on it than on my old one.

A: How did your job interview on Skype go?

B: Not very well. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop fidgeting in my seat!

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