Срочно 10 балл беремін.
Срочно дам 10 баллов



Ответ дал: frilert


Gozde made a cake yesterday.

I worked in a French company ten years ago.

My sister played badminton yesterday.

Edward drove so fast last night.

Kate lived in a flat in the centre of the city.

We sang our favourite song.

I was a baby twelve years ago.

My parents watched Korean films last night.

Our neighbours went to London.

I took my family photo.

Oguz got up late because it was Sunday.

Keith drank coffee after dinner.

His little sister did her homework after lunch.

Dad prepeared dinner for us three times a week.

My brother and I listened to pop music yesterday morning.

nurzhigitashirhan71: Все правильно но went и prepeared поменялись местами
frilert: В каком смысле поменялись? Our neighbours went to London — Наши соседи поехали в Лондон; Our dad prepeared dinner for us three times a week — Наш отец готовил нам ужин три раза в неделю.
nurzhigitashirhan71: Не знаю в приложение так говориться
frilert: Там ошибка скорее
nurzhigitashirhan71: А нет просто слово не prepeared а prepared а went че то не правильно
frilert: Оу, извиняюсь тогда...
nurzhigitashirhan71: Нет всё хорошо
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