78. Переведи предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. Ann said, “There is no one in the classroom”.
Ann said that there was no one in the classroom.
2. He said, “It’s always cold at this time of the year”.
3. “I am going to the stadium now,” said John.
4. “There was a good drama on TV yesterday,” mother said.
5. “I will order pizza,” my friend said.
6. “George has never seen a crocodile before,” Kate said.
7. “I have a headache,” Catherine said.
8. “There was a holiday yesterday,” he said.
9. “I got a letter from Mike this morning,” she said.
10. “I am going to the airport to pick up James,” he said.
11. “Mary speaks French fluently,” they said.
12. “I have just finished reading an interesting book,” he said.


Ответ дал: atamanenkoila



He said that it was always cold at this time of the year.

John said that he was going to the stadium now.

Mother said that there had been a good drama on TV the previous day.

My friend said that he would order pizza.

Kate said that George had never seen a crocodile before.

Catherine said that she had a headache.

He said that there had been a holiday the previous day.

She said that she had got a letter from Mike that morning.

He said that he was going to the airport to pick up James.

They said that Mary spoke French fluently.

He said that he had just finished reading an interesting book.

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