Complete with the gerund or infinitive form of the verb in parentheses.

They advised me to buy a new car. (buy)

1. Ted insisted on …. for the meal. (pay)

2. Lauren agreed …. with him on the weekend. (go out)

3 I warned Jane …. through the park at night. (not walk)

4 Jake admitted …. the woman's handbag. (steal)

5 The doctor advised Pedro …. coffee. (give up)

6 Our boss persuaded Reiko ….
the company. (not leave)

7 Meg accused me of …. her pen. (take)

8 I apologized to Eva for …. her birthday. (not remember)

ViktorOth: Щас відповім


Ответ дал: ViktorOth

Ответ: По фасту, хахах


Ted insisted on paying for the meal.

Lauren agreed to go out with him on the weekend.

I warned Jane not to walk through the park at night.

Jake admitted stealing the woman's handbag.

The doctor advised Pedro to give up coffee.

Our boss persuaded Reiko not to leave the company.

Meg accused me of taking her pen.

I apologized to Eva for not remembering her birthday.

Ответ дал: 2812Alexandra2020


1. paying

2. to go out

3. not to work

4. in stealing

5. to give up

6. not to leave

7. taking

8. not remembering


1. paying (after prepositions)

2. to go out (after certain verbs, e.g. want, learn, agree, decide ... etc)

3. not to work (after certain verbs)

4. stealing (as the subject of a sentence)

5. to give up (after certain verbs)

6. not to leave (after certain verbs)

7. taking (after prepositions)

8. not remembering (after prepositions)

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