1) I live closest / closer to my school than my cousin.
2) This is comfortablest / the most comfortable chair of all!
3) You are as smart / smarter as I am.
4) I have the littlest / least room in the house.
5) Dwelling in Moscow is most expensive / more expensive than in my city.
6) Which is older / the oldest building in your town?
7) This part of the film isn’t as more interesting / interesting as the previous one.
8) Today is as hot / the hottest as it was yesterday.
9) Who is the best / the goodest student in your class?
10) Your story is funnier / more funny than his story.


Ответ дал: pashapost0



1. I live closer to my school than my cousin.

2. This is the most comfortable chair of all!

3. You are as smart as I am.

4. I have the least room in the house.

5. Dwelling in Moscow is more expensive than in my city.

6. Which is the oldest building in your town?

7. This part of the film isn’t as interesting as the previous one.

8. Today is as hot as it was yesterday.

9. Who is the best student in your class?

10. Your story is funnier than his story.

zuckovskijglebarik: говno
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