The Infinitive - The Gerund -Participles Test B1
1. Somehow, he managed _____ the locked door without_____ it.
A) to open / damaged
B) opening / damaging
C) to open / damaging
D) opening / to damage
2. _____ alcohol with medication causes serious health issues _____.
A) Taking / to occur
B) To take / occurring
C) Taking / occurring
D) To take / to occurring
3. The text was too long for me _____ on my own so I asked Steve _____ me with it.
A) to translate / helped
B) translating / to helping
C) to translate / to help
D) translating / help
4. I'd rather _____ a new television because it's not worth _____ such an old TV set repaired.
A) bought / to have
B) buy / having
C) to buy / to having
D) buying / have
5. You seem _____ a mistake these two numbers.
A) to have made / adding
B) made / to add
C) having made / having added
D) to make / to adding
6. Our caravan is big enough for the four of us _____ in comfortably for a week.
A) travel
B) having travelled
C) travelling
D) to travel
7. Mum thinks my hair needs _____, but I don't want _____ it cut yet.
A) having cut / getting
B) cutting / to get
C) being cut / to getting
D) to cut / to get
8. What do you suggest _____ after work today _____ some fun?
A) to do / to having
B) doing / to have
C) to do / had
D) doing / having
9. I think I've lost my coat button trying _____ on the busin that crowd, so I need _____ one that
matches the others.
A) getting / finding
B) to get / to find
C) get / find
D) to getting / to have found
10. I will never forget _____ in that snowstorm for hours.
A) driven
B) to be driving
C) driving
D) to drive
11. The Himalayas are known _____ for the past fifty million years.
A) to have been rising
B) to rise
C) having risen
D) having been rising
12. They seemed _____ about us because they kept _____ at us while they were talking.
A) gossip / to have been looking
B) to have been gossiping / to look
C) to gossip / looked
D) to be gossiping / looking
13. It's no use _____ advice on how _____ something when it's already been done.
A) giving / doing
B) given / to have done
C) giving / to do
D) to give / doing
14. It took him some time _____ _____ damage to the car.
A) admitde / to cause
B) to admit / to causing
C) having admitted / causing
D) admitting / caused
15. I don't think it will be easy for me _____ used _____ on the left in Britain.
A) getting / driving
B) to be getting / to drive
C) having got / driven
D) to get / to driving
16. They don't allow _____ the building until they have finished _____ it.
A) entering / renovating
B) to enter / renovating
C) entering / having renovated
D) to enter / renovate
17. I'd prefer _____ for the next bus rather than travel on a crowded one because I have difficulty
_____ up for long.
A) waiting / to stand
B) to wait / standing
C) wait / in standing
D) to be waiting / stand
18. Will you stop _____ with your fingers? I'm trying _____on my work.
A) tapping / concentrating
B) to tap / to concentrating
C) having tapped / concentrated
D) tapping / to concentrate
19. People _____ from dyslexia have problems, _____ to read and write.
A) suffering / learning
B) to have suffered / to learn
C) suffering / learnt
D) to suffer / being learnt
20. Obsessive people can't help _____ a particular activity over and over again.
A) having been doing
B) having done
C) doing
D) to do


Ответ дал: fokib54


B) opening / damaging

C) Taking / occurring

A) to translate / helped

A) bought / to have

A) to have made / adding

C) travelling

A) having cut / getting

D) doing / having

B) to get / to find

C) driving

D) having been rising

D) to be gossiping / looking

A) giving / doing

D) admitting / caused

A) getting / driving

B) to enter / renovating

A) waiting / to stand

A) tapping / concentrating

A) suffering / learning

C) doing


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