Task 1 Complete the sentences using the nouns from the texts of Unit 5

1. But we can go under ___ "The Lost City'

2. And we are going through ___ "The Lost City'

3. I told ____ that we were in the Mediterranean Sea 'The Lost City'

4. Some of ____ stand so close to the water 'To the Sea'

5. And among ___ all there was the great white whale "To the Sea'

6. Despite all their efforts and expensive gifts, none of ___ capture her heart 'Kyz-Zhibek'

7. She told ____ about her dream 'Kyz-Zhibek'

8. While he was walking along the streets of ____ came across Aisha BiBi 'The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi'

9. Khakim-Ata shouted a curse after his ____ "The Mausoleum
of Aisha Bibi'

10.Before the ____ crossed the seventh river, they stopped 'The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi'
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( Excel for Kazakhstan(Grade 8) Student`s book Вирджиниия Эванс учебник для 8 класса 2019 г ) ​



Ответ дал: fokib54


But we can go under the sea "The Lost City"

And we are going through the ruins "The Lost City"

I told them that we were in the Mediterranean Sea "The Lost City"

Some of the trees stand so close to the water "To the Sea"

And among them all there was the great white whale "To the Sea"

Despite all their efforts and expensive gifts, none of them could capture her heart "Kyz-Zhibek"

She told him about her dream "Kyz-Zhibek"

While he was walking along the streets of Bukhara, he came across Aisha BiBi "The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi"

Khakim-Ata shouted a curse after his son "The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi"

Before the nomads crossed the seventh river, they stopped "The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi"


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