Закінчити речення
I will swim in the sea if...
I'll start to learn French if...
if I go to the university, ...
if I win some money,I will...
if I pass my exams, I will...
if I get up carly tomorrow,...
if the weather is nice,...
I will get really happy if you...
if I don't have breakfast tomorrow morning...
if I become invisible...
if I go to the cinema,...​​


Ответ дал: leralvk


1. I will swim in the sea if it is warm enough.

2. I'll start to learn French if I find a good tutor.

3. If I go to the university, I will try to get good grades.

4. If I win some money, I will invest it wisely.

5. If I pass my exams, I will celebrate with my friends and family.

6. If I get up early tomorrow, I will have enough time to get ready for work.

7. If the weather is nice, I will go for a walk.

8. I will get really happy if you give me a big hug.

9. If I don't have breakfast tomorrow morning, I will be hungry during the morning.

10. If I become invisible, I will explore the world without being seen.

11. If I go to the cinema, I will watch the latest movie.

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