5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple. 1 Ricky (check) will check 2 Ned (take) 3 1 (not see) 4 Nick and Vic (not tell) EXERCISES 5 We (report) 6 You (not cook) the weather forecast for tomorrow. his cousins to Oxford this weekend. you after your lessons on Monday. me their secrets. everything this afternoon. cook anything for dinner tonight.​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


чтобы сделать предложение в Future simple, после подлежащего пиши will+ глагол из скобок). Если подлежашее I, we- пиши shall + глагол из скобок). В современном англ.языке можно писать will после всех подлежащих.

3. Ned will + глагол...

3. I shall not see....= I shan't see (cокращенная форма)....

4. Nick and Vic will not tell = won't tell me their secrets.

5. You will not cook= won't cook anything tonight


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