Пожалуйста помогите нужно срочно!!!
PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE VOICE Complete these sentences with the past simple passive voice. 1. The dinner 2. This book, 3. The car 4. All of the dollsl 5. Hamlet 6. Machu Picchu 7. Spiderman 8. Lots of Marvel movies 9. This book 10. That actress (prepare) by my mother. (write) by a Frenchman in 1886. .(not/ wash) by my brother. .(not/make) by Chinese people. (write) by William Shakespeare. (discover) by Hiram Bingham. (play) by many actors. (produce) by Stan Lee. (write) by Dostoyesvsky. (arrest) two months ago.​



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 was prepared 2 was written 3 wasn't washed 4 weren't made 5 was written 6 was discovered 7 was played 8 were produced 9 was written 10 was arrested



ananasikmillion: идеально!!!
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