Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) ... it ... (to snow) outdoors now? — Yes, it ... . It ... (to snow) since yesterday evening.
2) This sportsman ... (to be) exhausted. He ... (to run) for more than an hour now. Look! He ... (to run) more slowly!


Ответ дал: lera8364


1) Is it snowing outdoors now? — Yes, it is. It has been snowing since yesterday evening.

2) This sportsman has been exhausted. He has been running for more than an hour now. Look! He is running more slowly!


Present Continuous - действие происходит в момент речи is/are/am +Ving

Present Perfect - результат к настоящему моменту Has/have+V3

Present Perfect Continuous - Действие началось в прошлом и длится до сих пор has/have been +Ving

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