1____is your class teacher? Miss Omarova.____ subject do you like best at school? I like biology. 3 ____ do you like this subject best? Because I'm interested in animals. 4 ____ do you get to school? 2 I take the bus. 5 ____do eat for lunch? I usually have a school lunch. 6 _____do you go during break time? I go to the playground with my friends. 7_____ do you do sports at your school? We do sports on Wednesday afternoon. ​


Ответ дал: karina6543213


1. who

2. which

3. why

4. how

5. what

6. where

7. when


madinaserikkan52: Thank you
Ответ дал: roviazurSn

1) Who

2) Which

3) Why

4) How

5) What

6) Where

7) When

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