10** Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Do not change the word in bold. 1 How long is it since he bought it? (BUY) How long ago 2 Darren doesn't cook dinner. (NEVER) Darren ..... dinner. 3 Does she own that restaurant? (HER) Is ... it? .. restaurant? 4 Karen still takes cooking lessons. (LEARNING) Karen ..... 5 The pasta is cheaper than the fish. (EXPENSIVE) The fish is .... ..... to cook. .... the pasta. срочнооо дам 80б ​


Ответ дал: aronrodrigo

1. How long ago did he buy it?

2. Darren never cooks dinner.

3. Is that restaurant her own?

4. Karen is still learning to cook.

5. The fish is more expensive to cook than the pasta.

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