Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple Passive Voice
1. Tesla studied electrical engineering in Austria.
2. He invented the electricity system for the lights at the 1893 Chicago World Fair.
3. After that, Tesla's system produced the electricity of the modern world.
4. Tesla also invented fluorescent lights, the modern radio, lasers and robots.
5. He was a child genius and invented his first machine when he was only four.​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 Electrical engineering was studied by Tesla in Austria.

2 The electricity system for the lights was invented by him at the 1893 Chicago World Fair.

3 After that, the electricity of the modern world was produced by Tesla's system.

4 Fluorescent lights, the modern radio, lasers and robots were also invented by Tesla.

5. He was a child genius and  his first machine was invented by him when he was only four.​



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