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Exercise. Do you know the English words for nationalities and languages? Complete the sentences; use a dictionary to help you.

The people who live in .............. speak Greek. 
The language that people speak in Hungary is called .................
The language ............ people speak in China is called .........…...
The people who live in ........... speak Italian.
The ............ live in .......... ............ Turkish.
The language ................. Algeria is called Arabic.
The people .................... Holland .......... .................
The language ............ ............. ............ Irish.
The people ........... Portugal ........... ......................
............ Japan ….......... ............... 


Ответ дал: nunny
The people who live in Greece speak Greek. 
The language that people speak in Hungary is called Hungarian.
The language that people speak in China is called Chinese.
The people who live in Italy speak Italian.
people who live in Turkey speak Turkish.
The language
that people speak in Algeria is called Arabic.
The people
who live in Holland speak Dutch.
The language that people speak in Ireland is called Irish.
The people
who live in Portugal is called Portugese.
The people who live in Japan is called Japanese.
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