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9gavnyasha6: The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of self-reliance. From making sure I was on the right bus, to navigating my way around a foreign city, I was able to gain confidence in myself. This independence was also reflected in my day-to-day activities. I had the opportunity to try new things without any external pressure.
9gavnyasha6: 1.Going on a holiday without your parents can be a daunting experience. Despite the apprehension, it can also be incredibly liberating. I recently had the opportunity to go on a holiday by myself, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
9gavnyasha6: 2.I chose to go to a beach resort in Mexico. I was surrounded by beautiful scenery and a vibrant culture, which allowed me to soak up a completely new environment. I was able to stay out late, explore different activities and indulge in different cuisines.
9gavnyasha6: 4.Overall, my holiday without my parents was a great experience. I was able to explore new places, sample delicious food, and gain a newfound appreciation for independence. This was a truly unforgettable experience and I would recommend it to anyone looking to challenge themselves.
9gavnyasha6: пиши по-порядку чисел (перший стовбчик йде третім по-рахунку). Роби свої правки і не дякуй, ніде не спіжджено.


Ответ дал: 9gavnyasha6

Going on a holiday without your parents can be a daunting experience. Despite the apprehension, it can also be incredibly liberating. I recently had the opportunity to go on a holiday by myself, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

I chose to go to a beach resort in Mexico. I was surrounded by beautiful scenery and a vibrant culture, which allowed me to soak up a completely new environment. I was able to stay out late, explore different activities and indulge in different cuisines.

The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of self-reliance. From making sure I was on the right bus, to navigating my way around a foreign city, I was able to gain confidence in myself. This independence was also reflected in my day-to-day activities. I had the opportunity to try new things without any external pressure.

Overall, my holiday without my parents was a great experience. I was able to explore new places, sample delicious food, and gain a newfound appreciation for independence. This was a truly unforgettable experience and I would recommend it to anyone looking to challenge themselves.

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