Потрібно повна відповідь інакше я не атестованим!
1)С.140 впр.1 сставте пропущені слова
2)С.140 впр.2 виберіть правильний варіант​



Ответ дал: leralvk


1. Browse the Web - visit different websites.

2. Surf the net - visit web pages for a particular purpose.

3. Download information - copy files to your computer from the Internet.

4. Upload information - send files to the Internet or other Internet users.

5. Bounce an e-mail - return a message.

6. Encode - change into a form suitable for computer processing.

7. Install software - put a program into use.

8. Hack into a computer - access illegally.

1. You can't get access to the programme until you b) have register your log in.

2. We had been using land-lines until cellurar phones c) appeared.

3. They won't return their books until they a) have read them all.

4. We will take the dog for a walk when it b) stops raining.

5. Will you explain the problem when she b) arrives here?

6. When I c) have time, I'll paint the house.

7. I won't get married until I b) get a job.

8. When I a) retire next June, I will have been working for this company for 25 years.

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