1 Look at the table below. Make a table for you and three friends. Make six questions from the words in the boxes and write them in the table. computer emails games in a day? in a week? photos texts websites at the weekend? in a month? on your phone? do get have listen to send take visit watch homework music television play write​


Ответ дал: ppiratiseoyr3st

Table for You and Three Friends

1)How many emails do you get in a day?

2)How many games do you play in a week?

3)How many photos do you take at the weekend?

4)How many texts do you send in a month?

5)How many websites do you visit on your phone?

6)What homework do you have to do, listen to music, watch television, play or write?

Аноним: но ето не то
ppiratiseoyr3st: why?
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