Exercise 12. Change the sentences using the verb «may»
We don’t mind his smoking here. — He may smoke here.
1. Do you allow me to smoke here? 2. He permits us to have our
meeting in this room. 3. Would you mind my closing the window?
4. Permit me to stay here. 5. We don’t mind your visiting us. 6. Will you
allow me to see my sister, doctor? 7. Will you allow him to leave the office
half an hour earlier today? 8. Will you permit us to watch television?


Ответ дал: Аноним


May I smoke here?

He may have our meeting in this room.

May I close the window?

May I stay here?

You may visit us.

May I see my sister, doctor?

May he leave the office half an hour earlier today?

May we watch television?


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