How much / How many How many / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much / How many How much How much apples are there in the basket? stars are there in the sky? time do we need? water is in that glass? books have you got? money can we spend? people in Poland speak Chinese? snow is there in the mountains? students are there in your class? milk do you want?
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Ответ дал: duszsiidcbsi


How much apples are there in the basket?

How much stars are there in the sky?

How much time do we need?

How much water is in that glass?

How many books you got?

How much money can we spend?

How many people in Poland speak Chinese?

How much snow is there in the mountains?

How many students are there in your class?

How much milk do you want?

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