79. Переведи предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. “This film is very funny,” Lucy said.
Lucy said that film was very funny.
2. “That was a wonderful party,” Jane said.
3. “A lot of people visit museums,” he said.
4. “I don’t like this dress,” Laura said.
5. “Bob promised to organize the music for the party,” they said.
6. “There is too much violence on TV,” said Granddad.
7. “I won’t be late again,” he said.
8. “You will see the hotel on your left,” she said.
9. “We had the holiday of a lifetime,” they said.
10. “They visited the Tower Bridge and the Buckingham Palace,” Ann said.
11. “It is a lovely place,” Mike said.
12. “The city is very exciting and has some famous traditions,” the guide said


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


2 Jane said that had been  a wonderful party.

3 He said a lot of people visited museums.

4 Laura said she didn't like that dress.

5 They said Bob had promised to organize the music for the party.

6 Granddad said there was too much violence on TV.

7 He said he wouldn’t be late again.

8 she said I would see the hotel on my left.

9 They said they had had the holiday of a lifetime.

10 Ann said they had visited the Tower Bridge and the Buckingham Palace.

11 Mike said it was a lovely place.

12. The guide said the city was very exciting and had some famous traditions.


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