Write questions to the answers.

1.... ? Old Mrs Hanley was Jill’s neighbour.
2.... ? Yes, she did. She lived alone after her husband died.
3.... ? Because Mrs Hanley was seriously ill.
4.... ? Jill never had time to find her. There was always something to do.
5.... ? Jill’s mother worried and found her in bed seriously ill.
6.... ? Yes, they did. Jill’s parents looked after her and she got better.


Ответ дал: opryskmarian16

1. Who was Old Mrs Hanley?

2. Did Mrs Hanley live alone after her husband died?

3. Why was Mrs Hanley seriously ill?

4. Did Jill have time to find Mrs Hanley?

5. Who found Mrs Hanley in bed seriously ill?

6. Did Jill's parents look after her and she got better?

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