Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first sentence. Use no more than
three words.
1 Serena is a very fast eater at meal times.
Serena eats very fast at meal times.
2 No one in our class can swim faster than
George can
in our class.
3 In your exam, please be polite when you answer
the questions.
In your exam, please answer
4 Don't go anywhere else on your way home.
5 Mike didn't arrive on time, as usual!
Mike arrived
as usual!
6 Let's be patient while we wait for the others.
for the others.

pindiuramarharyta: Дякую


Ответ дал: Maloryyy


  1. Serena eats very fast at meal times.
  2. George swims fastest in our class.
  3. In your exam, answer politely the questions.
  4. Go straight home.
  5. Mike arrived late as usual.
  6. Let's wait patiently for the others.

avaralan1: там у тебе в другому помилка, is fastest.
avaralan1: ой, вибач, все правильно, не туди глянула
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