4 Write questions about Ray Fines. Then ask and answer with a partner. how/travel How is Ray going to travel? How is Ray going to travel? He's going to walk. 1 how many kilometres / walk 2 where/ start his journey 3 where / finish 4 sleep/in cheap hotels 5 what/see 6 who/meet 7 take / camping equipment 8 what/write every night




Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


How many kilometers is Ray going to walk? Ray is going to walk 5,000 kilometers.

Where is he going to start his journey? He is going to start his journey in New York.

Where is he going to finish? He is going to finish in Los Angeles.

Is he going to sleep in cheap hotels? Yes, he is.

What is he going to see? He is going to see some fantastic countryside

Who is he going to meet? He is going to meet a lot of different people.

Is he going to take any camping equipment? No, he isn't.

What is he going to write every night? He is going to write a blog.


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