СРОЧНО!!ПРОШУ!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!Дополните предложения правильной формой слов в скобках. Используйте настоящее простое или прошедшее простое, активное или пассивное.
1. I usually
for information on the Internet. (SEARCH)
2. When travelling, I often buy souvenirs which
locally. (MAKE)
3. China
to export some rare earth elements several years ago. (PROHIBIT)
4. Any modern device
a lot of functions: it can be used for checking emails, sending texts, looking for information and even for shopping. (HAVE)
5. Classic music
by lots of people all over the world. (LISTEN)
6. CDs or DVDs
nowadays anymore. (NOT USE)
7. Kelly usually
sitcoms in the evening. (WATCH)
8. My digital camera is old, but I still love it because it
to me by my best friend. (GIVE)


Ответ дал: opryskmarian16

1. I usually search for information on the Internet.

2. When travelling, I often buy souvenirs which are made locally.

3. China was prohibited from exporting some rare earth elements several years ago.

4. Any modern device has a lot of functions: it can be used for checking emails, sending texts, looking for information, and even for shopping.

5. Classic music is listened to by lots of people all over the world.

6. CDs or DVDs are not used anymore nowadays.

7. Kelly usually watches sitcoms in the evening.

8. My digital camera is old, but I still love it because it was given to me by my best friend.

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