помогите пожалуйста срочно​



Ответ дал: incisslyy


Exercise 1.

Masato is a student. He is from Japan. He has long, black hair and brown eyes. He is not at school today. He is at home. His house has a big garden. There is a swimming pool in the garden

Exercise 2.

  1. Where
  2. What
  3. How many
  4. Are
  5. Is
  6. Which
  7. Do
  8. Is
Ответ дал: ZIGA23

Where are you from?

l am from ltaly

There is pictures are there in the classroom?

There are six pictures

This is she your teacher ?

No, she is not my teacher

Is you have a computer?

No, l do not have a computer

What is your name?

My name is Paulo

Is you a student

Yes, l am a student

This day is after Friday

Saturday is after Friday

there is he have a car

Yes he has a car

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