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Написать эссе 100-150 слов на тему «why pupils break school’s rules, which punishment is the best or should there be any punishment at all?”​


Ответ дал: zloli6105


Many students violate school rules for various reasons, such as peer pressure, lack of consequences, or a desire for attention. However, it is important for schools to enforce rules in order to maintain order and a safe learning environment. Punishments for rule violations can range from detention to suspension, but the best punishment is one that is both effective and educational. For example, community service or restorative justice programs can help students understand the impact of their actions and develop a sense of responsibility.

At the same time, it is important to consider if punishment is always the best approach. In some cases, addressing the root causes of misbehavior, such as a lack of support at home or difficulties in the classroom, may be more effective in promoting positive behavior. Schools should also provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and engage in positive activities, such as clubs and sports, as an alternative to negative behaviors.

In conclusion, while it is important for schools to enforce rules, the punishment for violations should be appropriate and tailored to the individual student. By addressing the root causes of misbehavior and providing positive opportunities, schools can create a supportive and respectful learning environment


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