1/ They’re………journalists, or something like that.
a/ some kind
b /look like
c/ most likely
d /say that

2/ Andrea is mean with her money and doesn’t like spending it. She is…………

a/ shrewd
b/ considerate
c/ stingy
d/ bad-mannered

3/ It looks to me like a festival of…..

a/ some kind
b/ sat that
c/ most likely
d /be sure

4/ After she ………. her lunch, she put the plate in the dishwasher.

a /was eating
b /has eaten
c/ had been eating
d/ had eaten

5/ Although Colin ……. his novel for over a year, he was still only on chapter two.

a/ wrote
b/ had written
c/ was writing
d/ had been writing

6/ There are a lot of ……… people living in the streets.

a/ sleeping
b/ asleep
c /lonely
d /alone

7/ I’m quite thick-……., so I don’t usually upset if people are rude to me.

a / worked
b / minded
c/ skinned
d/ tempered

8) I ……… lots of horror movies when I was in my early teens.

a/ would watched
b/ am used to watch
c/ use to watched
d /used to watch


Ответ дал: opryskmarian16

1. с/ most likely

2. c/ stingy

3. a/ some kind

4. d/ had eaten

5. d/ had been writing

6. с/ lonely

7. c/ skinned

8. d/ used to watch

klumbkids: Почти все правильно. 1/ c, 6/c - это правильно
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