EXERCISE №1.:Соmplate the sentences using the past perfect. 1.)The children ➡️had done(do)their homework by their mum came home. 2.)The thieves...(already/run away)when the police arrived. 3.)She...(just/finish)her homework when I arrived. 4.)Robert...(not/hear)from Maria for ages before she called him. 5.)After she....(hang out)the washing,it started to rain. 6.)She...(tidy) her room before John came back home. EXERCISE №2.:Complete the sentences using the past perfect continuous. 1.)Jane ➡️had been working(work)at this company for 35 years before the retired. 2.)They...(practise)for months before they went on tour. 3.)My family...(live)in France for a long time before they moved to Greece. 4.)We...(clean up)all morning before the party started. 5.)l...(dance)for a long time with them before I quit the group. 6.)Tony...run)in the rain.That was why he was soaking wet. EXERCISE №3.:Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or past perfect continuous. 1 A:Was John at the party? B:No,he...(leave)before we arrived. 2 A:Why was Peter so tired last night? B:He...(work)since 10 o’clock in the morning. 3 A:Did you go to the cinema with Steve last night? B:No,l....(see)the film before. 4 A:Why was Tony crying? B:He...(lose)his favourite teddy bear. EXERCISE №4.:Complete the sentences using the past perfect or past perfect continuous. 1.)Richard➡️had just finished(just/ finish)when we came home. 2.)....(they/paint)the house all day yesterday? 3.)Sylvia and Tom...(plan)their holiday for three months before they left. 4.)Joanna...(work)here for ten years before she quit. 5.)The secretary...(not/write)all the letters by noon. 6.)How long...(you/live)in Canada before you moved to France? EXERCISE №5.:Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the past perfect or past perfect continuous. •see •lose •work •listen •revise •wait 1.)Margaret was sad because she➡️had last her dog and couldn't find it. 2.)George was angry because he...for his friend over an hour. 3.)Scott was tired because he...all day. 4.)Fran had a headache because her brother...to loud music the whole afternoon. 5.)Harry was frightened because he...a ghost. 6.)Isabel was exhausted because she.....for her test all afternoon. Виконайте ці вправи,будь ласка,правильно,а не абияк.І,я вас дуже прошу-не спамте,БУДЬ ЛАСКА!!!!Вибачте,що так багато,але требааа!!!!​


Ответ дал: dimonchop



The children had done their homework by the time their mum came home.

The thieves had already run away when the police arrived.

She had just finished her homework when I arrived.

Robert had not heard from Maria for ages before she called him.

After she had hung out the washing, it started to rain.

She had tidied her room before John came back home.


Jane had been working at this company for 35 years before she retired.

They had been practicing for months before they went on tour.

My family had been living in France for a long time before they moved to Greece.

We had been cleaning up all morning before the party started.

I had been dancing for a long time with them before I quit the group.

Tony had been running in the rain. That was why he was soaking wet.


A: Was John at the party? B: No, he had left before we arrived.

A: Why was Peter so tired last night? B: He had been working since 10 o'clock in the morning.

A: Did you go to the cinema with Steve last night? B: No, I had seen the film before.

A: Why was Tony crying? B: He had lost his favourite teddy bear.


Richard had just finished when we came home.

Had they painted the house all day yesterday?

Sylvia and Tom had been planning their holiday for three months before they left.

Joanna had worked here for ten years before she quit.

The secretary had not written all the letters by noon.

How long had you lived in Canada before you moved to France?


Margaret was sad because she had lost her dog and couldn't find it.

George was angry because he had waited for his friend over an hour.

Scott was tired because he had worked all day.

Fran had a headache because her brother had listened to loud music the whole afternoon.

Harry was frightened because he had seen a ghost.

Isabel was exhausted because she had revised for her test all afternoon.

lavnikovychanna1: ДЯЯКККУУЮЮ!!!!
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