Put the verbs in brackets into Pastor Present Simple Passive Voice. Then write negative
sentences and questions.

1. The new magazine.... (to read yesterday.

2. The film about Oliver Twist...( to show) on TV tonight.

3. The Internet (to surf) after classes.

4. The book...(to return) after two days.

5. The pictures... (to color) at today's Art lesson.

6. Ukrainian poems... (to recite) last week.​


Ответ дал: Anex1


1. was read

2. was shown

3. is surfed

4. was returned

5. were colored

6. were recited

Создать отрицательные предложения + вопросительные:

1. The new magazine wasn't read yesterday

Was the new magazine read yesterday?

2. The film about Oliver Twist wasn't shown on TV tonight.

Was the film about Oliver Twist shown on TV tonight?

3. The internet isn't surfed after classes

Is Internet surfed after classes?

4. The book wasn't returned after two days

Was the book returned after two days?

5. The pictures weren't colored at today's Art lesson

Were the pictures colored at today's Art lesson?

6. Ukrainian poems were not recited last week

Were Ukrainian poems recited last week?


supermirafirstmail: Спасибо большое!!!!
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