5 YOUR OPINIONS Ask and answer the questions.

1. What do you think of arranged marriages?
2. At what age would you like to get married? Why?
3. What wedding traditions are there in your country?
4. Are there any wedding traditions which you like or dislike?
5. What's the secret of a happy relationship?

help help​


Ответ дал: daniaabaeva
1)In my point of view, already arranged marriage is a good and helpfull. You always need to prepare and think before doing something
2)I would like to get married when I will find my perspective partner, but I want to find him/her at 20-30 age
3)In my counry wife’s and husband’s family need to meet and spend some time together before wedding
4)I like all of the traditions, because they’re all are very special and unique
5)Understanding, supporting and livening each other is such a good and important thing. There is no lie between partners-that’s the main rule. It will keep realationship stronger and longer

daniaabaeva: Там не livening а loving. Извини пожалуйста
nezuko696: okey
baltamasevanargiza: Дұрыспа
baltamasevanargiza: Рахмет
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