допоможі будь ласка ​допоможі будь ласка ​допоможі будь ласка ​допоможі



Ответ дал: volmaria01


1.А:Are you busy? I need your help something.

B: No, I am just playing a video game

2.A:Does this motorbike belong to you?

B: No, it’s my brother’s, but he lets me ride it sometimes.

3.А:Do you and Kenneth live near each other?

B: Actually, his family owns penthouse in my block of flats.

4.А:Are you coming to the ice rink with us later?

B: I can’t. My parents and I are visiting a family friend tonight.

5.А;Do you hear that strange noise?

B: Yes. Let’s go and see what is making it.

6.Are you and Julia flying to Edinburgh next week?

B: No, Julia hates travelling by plane, so we are taking the train.

pvlad3349: дуже дякую
volmaria01: будь ласка))
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