Скласти 7 запитань до малюнка використовючи конструкцїї Is there a ...? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Are there ...? Are there ...? Yes, there are. No, there aren't.​



Ответ дал: goldfish71p2x3jw


1. Is there a fridge in the kitchen? - Yes, there is.

2. Is there a table in the corner of the kitchen? - No, there isn't.

3. Are there three chairs in the kitchen? - No, there aren't.

4. Are there picturers on the walls? - Yes, there are.

5. Is there a clock on the wall? - Yes, there is.

6. Are there plants in the kitchen? - No, there aren't.

7. Are there plates on the table? - Yes, there are.

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