True or False
1.Paris is the capital of the UK.
2. The Tower of London is a museum now. 3. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen.
4.Westminster Abbey is a church.
5.London stands on the river Hudson. 6.London is the capital of Great Britain.
7.St. Paul's Cathedral is a museum now. 8.The heart of London is Khreschatyk.​


Ответ дал: fokib54


False. Paris is the capital of France.

False. The Tower of London is a historical castle and a former royal palace.

True. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the British monarch.

True. Westminster Abbey is a church and a royal palace.

False. London stands on the River Thames, not the River Hudson.

True. London is the capital of England and of Great Britain.

False. St. Paul's Cathedral is a church and one of London's most famous landmarks.

False. The heart of London is not Khreschatyk, but the central area known as the West End.


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