есе про важливість сортування та переробку використаних речей​


Ответ дал: dannisghibenco


Sorting and recycling used things are important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps protect the environment. When materials are recycled, they are broken down into their component parts and used to create new materials. This means fewer materials need to be extracted from the Earth, reducing the damage done to the environment by mining operations.

This process also results in less waste going to landfills. Sorting out materials makes it easier and more efficient to recycle them. When recyclable materials are thrown in with regular trash, they become "contaminated," making them less valuable and expensive to process.

Recycling also saves energy. A tremendous amount of energy is needed to create materials from scratch, and when recycled materials are used the energy savings can be significant. This saves resources for the planet, and it can present cost savings for businesses or individuals sourcing these materials.

Finally, sorting and recycling used things can provide economic opportunities. When materials are sorted and sold on the market, it can provide an income source for recycled goods brokers, sorting facilities, and processors. This can help to support local areas by providing jobs and economic stability.

In conclusion, sorting and recycling used things is important. It helps to protect our planet.


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