2 Complete the sentences with the words in Exercise 1. 1 There are ten people in my mother's and computers. 2 He was tired because he was very at work. 3 The . It's very big, with lots of desks 5 Does your on Saturday mornings. 4 I served food to a lot of restaurant. the summer? at the supermarket work in the give you a holiday in money when 6 Does your brother he cleans cars?​


Ответ дал: fwfw5612


There are ten people in my mother's workplace and computers.

He was tired because he was very busy at work.

The office is very big, with lots of desks.

I served food to a lot of customers in the restaurant.

Does your work in the supermarket give you a holiday in the summer?

Does your brother earn money when he cleans cars?

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