B Complete these sentences with if + Present Simple,+ will/won't, using the words in brackets. Sometimes you do not need to change the words in brackets (). 0 If it rains (it/rain), we won't go (we/not/go) out. 1 If (the weather/be) nice tomorrow, 2 If 3 4 5 to the coast. 9 10 it tomorrow. at work late again. 6 7 If. 8 too much. If If the job that she wants. better tomorrow. 11 If (she/post) the letter now, the champions. (the boss/be) angry if. (I/go) to their party if (she/not/pass) this exam, (you/learn) a lot if. (l/get) a ticket, (I/buy) that camera if (you/run) very fast, (I/go) to the doctor's if. (they/win) this game, (weldrive) (they/receive) (John/arrive) (I/have) enough time. (she/not/get) (you/take) this course. (I/go) to the concert. (it/not/cost) (you/catch) the bus. (I/not/feel) (they/be)​



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B. Complete these sentences with if + Present Simple,+ will/won't, using the words in brackets. Sometimes you do not need to change the words in brackets().

If it rains (it rains), we won't go (we won't go) out.

If (the weather is) nice tomorrow, we will go to the coast.

If John arrives (John arrives), I will go to their party.

If I get a ticket (I get a ticket), I will buy that camera.

If she passes (she passes) this exam, she will receive the job that she wants.

If you take (you take) this course, you will learn a lot.

If I have (I have) enough time, I will go to the doctor's.

If she posts (she posts) the letter now, it will reach its destination.

If you run (you run) very fast, you will catch the bus.

If the boss (the boss is) angry, he will be at work late again.

If it (it doesn't cost) too much, I will go to the concert.

If you (you don't catch) the bus, I won't feel bad.

If they (they win) this game, they will drive home.

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