Ex 4  Fill in: cough, study, insomnia, indigestion, tips, diagnoses, check-up, immune, blood, diabetes.   

1   Marge ate some spicy food and now she has __ .   
2   What was the doctor’s _ of the patient?   
3   Taking vitamin tablets helps strengthen your __  system.   
4   Jane has __  so she has to monitor her sugar intake.   
5   A recent _ has shown that meditation lowers stress levels.   
6   Peter has got __  these days, so he feels extremely tired at work.   
7   The doctor gave me some __  on how to eat more healthily.   
8   The examination showed a blocked __  vessel in his leg.   
9   When was your last __  at the dentist’s?
10   Anna’s bad __  woke everyone in the house up last night.  ​


Ответ дал: qkunkii

1. indigestion

2. check-up

3. immune

4. diabetes

5. study

6. insomnia

7. tips

8. blood

9. check-up

10. cough

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