Read the article again and match the sentence halves. Then read the sentence: and write the line number from the articl where you found the information. 1 Jim won the contest because f-line 18 2 He was surprised to win because 3 He was happy about the money becaus 4 He does the commute because 5 He feels good when he drives because 6 He's thinking about changing jobs because a) he doesn't want to change his lifestyle. b) he spends about $10,000 a year on gas. c) he thought someone else drove further d) gas prices are so high. e) he feels like a racing car driver. ●●●●​


Ответ дал: Frontbek0vBeka


вот так?


Jim won the contest because he thought someone else drove further (c) - Line 18

He was surprised to win because he thought someone else drove further (c) - Line 18

He was happy about the money because he spends about $10,000 a year on gas (b) - Not mentioned in the article.

He does the commute because he doesn't want to change his lifestyle (a) - Not mentioned in the article.

He feels good when he drives because he feels like a racing car driver (e) - Not mentioned in the article.

He's thinking about changing jobs because gas prices are so high (d) - Not mentioned in the article.

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