1. If you (drink) so much coffee, you (not sleep) well.
2. Until you (promise) to keep it in secret, I (tell) you anything.
3. When Bill (finish) school, he (continue) his study at the University.
ІІ тип
4. If he (be) so busy, he (help) me with my translation.
5. Jane (not miss) the first lesson if she (not oversleep).
6. If I (be) you, I (study) better.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 drink-won't sleep 2 promise-won't tell 3 finishes-will continue

4 weren't-would help 5 wouldn't miss-didn't oversleep 6 were-would study


Ответ дал: sprikeyt

Until you promise to keep it in secret, I won't tell you anything.

When Bill finishes school, he will continue his study at the University.

II type

If he is so busy, he won't help me with my translation.

Jane won't miss the first lesson if she doesn't oversleep.

If I were you, I would study better.

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