in reviev Complete the opinion adjectives in the sentences. 1 Their new album is wonderful. I love it! 2 The show's a_r_g____. But parts of it are a bit b____n_. 3 The film is b ___n__ ! The story is very f__n__ and the main actors are ft i ! 4 I can't stand this programme. My friend thinks it's g a but for me it's . I never watch it. tr The music for the new crime drama on TV is really c_o_! Who is singing it? At school we're reading a book in English. It's O but it isn't really very i__r t​


Ответ дал: fwfw5612


Their new album is wonderful. I love it!

The show's arguable. But parts of it are a bit boring.

The film is brilliant! The story is very funny and the main actors are fit.

I can't stand this programme. My friend thinks it's great but for me it's awful. I never watch it.

The music for the new crime drama on TV is really cool! Who is singing it? At school we're reading a book in English. It's OK but it isn't really very interesting.


karanukeva: а це правельно
apolinariap9: не все правильно
goncarenkoeva654: не правильно
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