Grammar 2 Past simple: regular verbs and more irregular verbs Look! We visited lots of places. Last year, I travelled around the world. Our tour began at the Great Wall of China. I wrote a blog about my trip. Use We use the past simple to talk about single complete events in the past. H Write the past simple of these verbs. arrive begin drive eat find live look Hi, DyLan! Australia is wonderful! Last week, we from Brisbane to Sydney. We in Coffs Harbour for one night the sun go down over (1). (2) and we (3) the sea. The next morning, we (4) breakfast on the beach and then (5) down the road next to the sea. Yesterday, we (6) good to finally get here. It (7). nice in the sunshine. We (8). by the water and had lunch. I love it! Wish you were here. Noah say in Sydney. It was 50 a café stop For more information, see Grammar database 10 on page 149. 2 Write a verb from exercise 1 in the past simple in each gap. More than one verb might fit in a gap. talk tell travel watch write Dylan Higgins 23 Blue Anchor Road London NW7 IAH UK The Travel Bug! U​



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 arrived 2 began 3 drove 4 ate 5 found 6 lived 7 looked 8 said 9 stopped 10 talked 11 told 12 travelled 13 watched 14 wrote

1 travelled 2 arrived 3 watched 4  ate 5 drove 6 arrived 7 looked 8 found


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