7 Complete the dialogues. A A Hello, Can I help you? B Yes. Is there a Post Office near (1) ? Yes, it's on Is there a postbox there? Yes, and you can buy stamps from the machine. B Thank you. A You're B A A BA B A CA (2) second floor. . (3). 10 (4) me. (5) the toilet, It's the third door on the left. (6)? (7) door on the left. Thank you. (8) me. (9) can I find Johnson's Camera shop? B Johnson's? (10) the escalator to the third level. It's on the right. A Thank you.​



Ответ дал: sprikeyt

A: Hello, can I help you?

B: Yes. Is there a Post Office near here?

A: Yes, it's on the second floor.

B: Is there a postbox there?

A: Yes, and you can buy stamps from the machine.

B: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

A: Can I help you with anything else?

B: Yes, where is the toilet, please?

A: It's the third door on the left.

В: And where is the elevators, please?

А: The elevators are just next to the third door on the left. Thank you.

A: Can I help you with anything else?

B: Yes, can I find Johnson's Camera shop?

A: Johnson's? Yes, take the escalator to the third level. It's on the right.

A: Thank you.

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