city centre rather than the country. 4 I would rather you ************** (not/upgrade) the computer without asking (live) in the Unreal Past see p. GR19 7 Choose the correct item. Which sentences refer to the present? past? 1 It's high time the mayor intervened/ intervene/had intervened to help local businesses. 2 Supposing you took/had taken/take that course. Would it have helped you? 3 If I had been/have been/were you, I would build my own computer from scratch. 4 Imagine you have lost/lost/lose your wireless headphones; what would you do?​



Ответ дал: qkunkii

1. had intervened

2. took

3. were

4. have lost

Ответ дал: GreyBoar


1 intervened 2 had taken 3 were 4 lost 5 hadn't upgraded

callmespecial: Объясните, почему во втором не past simple?
callmespecial: ааа.....поняла
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